Wireless access control allows for:

• Quicker, easier, less disruptive, cheaper maintenance.
• Easier integration with existing access control systems.
• Easy, quick, minimally disruptive installation.
• Battery life in exceeds two years.

It’s worthwhile to start thinking of the benefits of wireless access control as opposed to its wired counterparts. Wireless offers the installer the benefit of a less complicated installation, “especially in those hard to reach areas where trunking just isn’t possible. The end-user in this instance receives a more finished and whole solution which otherwise would have created many more problems such as remodeling and redesigning … if access control was critical for that location.”

He adds that a wireless solution should offer a hybrid variation with wired systems. “The power of hybrid means that wireless becomes complementary as pure wireless does have range limitations.”

Wireless access control solutions allow for quicker installation, but adds that they also provide more options for installation. This reduces the cost of labour and time on-site drastically.

The ease of wireless access is like using Wi-Fi to connect your laptop to the Internet, as opposed to a network cable. It just makes everything easier. The benefits extend to installation where time to install is reduced dramatically, which results in labour cost savings. Secondly, there is a saving on the cost of material, such as cabling, conduit and other peripheral equipment.

Overall maintenance on the system is reduced and less expensive to perform. “Wireless access control solutions form part of the mechanical lock that requires very little maintenance and this is also less susceptible to external interferences like lightning, power spikes and surges that piggyback on cabling. Because it is using the mortise lock in the centre of the door, it also offers better security than using magnetic locks residing at the top of the door.”

“On average, installation takes less time because the wireless lock combines everything found around the door, the lock, the card reader, the request to exit, and the door contact into a single point of installation rather than wiring these components separately.”



By Andrew Seldon.